Thursday, June 21, 2012

Yoshi died :'(

Until today I had a toad and two tree frogs.  They have been living happily together for a while now.  The toad I found in September, and the baby I got at Christmas.  They've been on several road trips, spent most of their time in a college dorm room, one even escaped and made it into the hallway (we found him hopping around covered in dust).  My friend Maryann came to visit me from Ohio this evening, we went to say hi to the frogs, and Yoshi was very dead.  She wasn't when I left the house a few hours ago.  Not only that, but Pascal doesn't look good either.  After several google searches, I think he has "red leg" and it almost always results in death.  I feel terrible and helpless, and like a bad mommy.  We cleaned out the cages and quarantined him, but he doesn't look good.  Tiana still looks okay, but I hope she doesn't get sick too.  I know it sounds weird, but if you could say a little prayer for my frogs I would appreciate it.

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