Sunday, April 18, 2010

"Let yourself be Enchanted"

Today I was reminded of why I'm in school studying accounting, economics, and statistics. Because even though it's rough now, someday when I have my own studio it will all be worth it. My dad asked me if putting on my first recital encouraged or discouraged my dream, and now I definitely know that I would be so happy teaching dance for the rest of my life. Watching my little girls reminded me of why I've spent countless hours studying the art. Even after all of the sweat, blood, and tears (in a very, sadly, literal sense), dance has always brought me joy. Being able to share that joy with these little girls is absolutely priceless. Who knows, there may be future Miss America's in this picture. :)
I always want to inspire children to follow their dreams. I love the movie Enchanted (the theme of the recital) because it reminds us, "let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through to ever, ever after." Whatever that may be, it all starts with believing in yourself and then making it happen!
Keep working on your ever after :)

1 comment:

  1. Close your eyes, see your dream and when you open them your dream will come true!


